Wednesday, May 20, 2009

The main thing is to keep the main thing, the main thing.

My boys had a scout master who used to say this.
I’ve given this concept a lot of thought.
What exactly is the main thing?
You really have to figure that out.

What’s the main thing for the long term? What’s the main thing for the week? What’s the main thing right now?

For me this takes a little meditation.
What I like to do best is to take a drive and think about it.
What’s the main thing for my family? What do I want for each of them?
How much am I willing to let go?
What’s the main thing for me?
Holy cow, that’s a tough one!
But it’s all possible.
We can all figure out what the main thing is for any given situation or time period.
And it will require lots of honesty.

Right now, for me, the main thing is developing long term bond of love and friendship with my family. No matter what happens in this life, if I have those bonds, I’ll be alright.
Right now, for me, developing my writing and speaking careers is the main thing.
Right now, for me, minding doctor’s orders and making sure that I’m doing what’s best for my health is the main thing.

So we all figure out what the main thing is.

Then, our mantra:

“The main thing is to keep the main thing, the main thing.”

We’re diverted much to easily.
Fighting, discouragement, ego, haste, impatience.
It all makes us lose sight of the main thing.
Arguments especially can take a zig zagging course as we are filled with the temptation to win or to hurt our opponent.

What’s it all really about?

“The main thing is to keep the main thing, the main thing.”

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